Adelia Cavedon

We released Adelia Prosecco to celebrate Nonna’s contribution to our family’s legacy, our heritage & the first generation of farming that Cavedon wines is built upon..

Nonna (like Nonno) was an Italian immigrant, migrating from Northern Italy to the Oven’s valley in 1950. She was the pillar of determination behind what kept our family resilient in the early and often challenging days of farming tobacco.


To Dad (Dino), she was an ever-present source of encouragement & support. Always ready to sit at the table & listen, with a wise word of assurance over a glass of wine & bowl of minestrone. She inspired forward thinking and encouraged our family to take on the opportunity of grape growing in the late 70’s; optimistic for the prospect it could give.

Nonna was a woman of few words, who although was somewhat in the background, was the quiet inspiration behind behind building our family's legacy. She not only encouraged resilience for a brighter future for our family, but embraced celebration, community & friendship, which is part of what we wanted this Prosecco to embody.